Due to a space limitation or a door conflict, many bedroom can’t accomodate closet doors that open out. Rather than dragging your nightstand across the room or locking your partner in the bathroom every time you pick out an outfit, choose bifold or sliding doors over doors with hinges. Don’t fear, there are many options that give you full access to your clothing and are also beautiful additions to your space. Check out our ideas below:
Shoji screen closet doors are a wonderful stylistic centerpiece for your bedroom and can compliment an East Asian inspired decore theme.
There’s no need to limit shoji screes to East Asian themed rooms–they also compliment minimalist design aesthetics.
Barn door style tracking is a great choice if you want to view all of the items in your closet simultaneously. Here the door is creatively set up to hide or reveal a closet, a small work space, and a bathroom. A multi-purpose door installation isn’t only cool, but it also saves money.
Despite the name, barn door style tracking does not need to have a country feel. With the right hardware and door, barn door closets can have a modern feel, traditional feel, or any feel you want.
This lovely silver tracking matches the silver overhead lighting. Metal hardware looks best when it is the same in all parts of the room.
Though this door leads to a bathroom, we just love how the paneling of the door matches the wall so much that we had to share!
Another innovative way to save space is to place barn door closets so they open behind your bed.
For an especially modern look, we recommend combining barn door tracking with glass doors.
These are some of our favorite sliding doors. Unlike traditional sliding closet doors, which always hide a portion of your clothing, because of the recessed art display built-in between closets, when the art is hidden all of the clothing will be visible.
When using wood doors in a room with wood flooring, we recommend picking a similar finish.
These wood framed mirrored doors are a much welcome and much more stylish alternative to the traditional thin metal framing.
This white framing is also classy in this all white room.
Sliding doores that stack an can slide together make picking out clothing even easier.
Don’t be shy! Make a style statement with your closet doors.